RISE with SAP: Your Basis Team’s Untapped Potential in S/4HANA Migration

The combined power of RISE with SAP and SAP S/4HANA represents a compelling path toward digital transformation for US-based companies running SAP. RISE with SAP streamlines cloud migration, while S/4HANA unlocks a new era of performance and innovation. But within this exciting shift, a key question emerges: what role can your Basis administrators play in migrating to SAP S/4HANA on RISE?

The answer is – a much bigger one than you might think! While RISE with SAP takes care of the underlying infrastructure, your Basis team’s expertise in the application layer becomes crucial during the S/4HANA migration process. Here’s how their skills can be leveraged for a successful journey:

Migration Planning and Readiness Assessment:

Understanding your current SAP landscape: Your Basis team possesses an intimate understanding of your existing SAP system configuration, data landscape, and integrations. This knowledge is invaluable for planning the migration strategy and identifying potential roadblocks.

System Analysis and Gap Assessment: They can analyze your system to identify areas that might require adjustments or customization during the migration to S/4HANA.

Data Cleansing and Preparation: Basis administrators play a key role in ensuring data quality and consistency, a critical factor for a smooth S/4HANA migration. Their expertise in data management tools can be crucial for data cleansing and preparation activities.

Configuration and System Management

S/4HANA System Configuration:

While SAP handles the core infrastructure in RISE, your Basis team’s knowledge of SAP Basis configuration remains essential. They can assist with specific configurations within the S/4HANA application layer to meet your organization’s unique needs.

User Management and Security:

Migrating user accounts and access controls to S/4HANA requires careful planning and execution. Your Basis team’s expertise in user management and security best practices ensures a smooth transition and continued data protection.

Post-Migration Optimization:

After the migration, your Basis team can optimize the S/4HANA system for performance, ensuring it runs efficiently and meets your business needs.

Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer

Bridging the Gap Between Teams: Your Basis team can act as a bridge between your internal IT team and SAP’s managed services team during the migration. Their understanding of both sides of the equation fosters smooth communication and collaboration.

Knowledge Transfer and Change Management: Basis administrators can play a crucial role in knowledge transfer and change management initiatives. They can help train your users on the functionalities of S/4HANA and ensure they are prepared for the new system.

1st Basis Consulting: Empowering Your Basis Team for a Seamless S/4HANA Migration

At 1st Basis Consulting, we specialize in empowering Basis teams to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of SAP. We understand the value your Basis team brings to the table during a migration to SAP S/4HANA on RISE with SAP:

  • We can assess your current SAP environment and identify areas that require attention during the S/4HANA migration process.
  • We can develop a comprehensive migration plan that leverages your Basis team’s expertise and ensures a smooth transition.
  • We can provide training and upskilling for your Basis team on the latest S/4HANA administration tools and best practices.
  • We can bridge the gap between your internal team and SAP, facilitating effective collaboration throughout the migration journey.

Check out more information on RISE with SAP here.

By partnering with 1st Basis Consulting, you can unlock the full potential of your Basis team during your migration to SAP S/4HANA on RISE with SAP. We’ll equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to play a vital role in this transformation, ensuring a successful journey towards an optimized and future-proof SAP environment.


This blog was written by 1st Basis Consulting using the power and assistance of AI.