The Cloud Revolution (and RISE with SAP):

Are SAP Basis Skills Here to Stay?

The world of enterprise resource planning (ERP) is undergoing a seismic shift. Cloud-based solutions like RISE with SAP are gaining traction, prompting a question for IT professionals: Will SAP Basis skills remain valuable in this age of cloud-based ERPs? The answer is a resounding yes, but with a nuanced twist.

The Enduring Value of SAP Basis Expertise

While cloud deployment offers a more hands-off approach to system maintenance, core SAP Basis skills continue to hold significant value:

  • Customization and Configuration: Even in the cloud, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely exists. SAP Basis skills empower you to configure S/4HANA Cloud to align with your specific business processes, user needs, and authorization requirements. This might involve customizing dashboards, workflows, or security controls.
  • Security and Compliance: Cloud security is a shared responsibility. While SAP handles core infrastructure security in RISE with SAP, organizations still need to define and implement robust security policies within S/4HANA Cloud. SAP Basis specialists, with their understanding of SAP security protocols and compliance regulations, can play a vital role in achieving this.
  • Change Management and User Adoption: Transitioning to a new cloud-based ERP system can be disruptive. SAP Basis Administrators, with their understanding of SAP systems and user workflows, can play a key role in change management initiatives. They can develop user training programs, address adoption challenges, and ensure a smooth user experience in the new S/4HANA Cloud environment.

Evolving Skillsets for the Cloud Era

While core Basis skills remain valuable, the cloud landscape demands an evolution in the skillset:

Cloud-Specific Knowledge:

Understanding cloud-based infrastructure and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings like SAP Cloud Platform (HCP) will be increasingly important.

Automation and Scripting:

Embrace automation tools and scripting languages to streamline repetitive tasks and optimize cloud operations.

Data Management and Analytics:

With the potential for vast amounts of data in the cloud, proficiency in data management and analytics tools can provide valuable insights for optimizing business processes.

The Future of SAP Basis: A Strategic Partner in the Cloud

The role of the SAP Basis Administrator is transforming into that of a strategic partner in the cloud era. Their expertise goes beyond system maintenance to encompass cloud-specific knowledge, automation, data management, and collaboration with cloud service providers.

Conclusion: Embrace the Transformation

SAP Basis skills are not fading away; they are evolving. By embracing continuous learning and incorporating new skillsets, SAP Basis professionals can position themselves as invaluable assets in the cloud-driven future of ERP. Organizations seeking success with cloud-based SAP solutions should recognize the enduring value of a skilled SAP Basis team, prepared to navigate the complexities of the cloud and ensure a smooth, optimized user experience.


This blog was written by 1st Basis Consulting with the power and assistance of AI.